Friday, April 18, 2014

Who's Hero Do You Want To Be?

Great first day here in Uganda! After 37 hours of travel-I might not remember that I am turning 50 on my next birthday but my body sure did! Even Sarah at her spry 45 was achy and stiff. It didn't take us long to feel better as soon as we ventured out to visit with Abbey and the boys.  ekissa was able to assist them in moving to a temporary rental house until the permanent "ekissa Home" is built.
Their new home is more spacious and meets the local government code for a children's home.

Sarah and I were humbled to observe the interaction of these boys and amazed at the authentic love that is shared within their home. They each exhibit such respect and affection for "their Uncle Abbey" as well as one another. Each one cares for the other selflessly and with no expectation of gain.

Rotating chores are assigned weekly to each of the boys. Lunch was fixed today by Isaiah and Daniel. The table was set by the younger ones, Eddie and David. Sarah and I, along with our dear friend and driver, Eddie ,were asked to join them. Were not talking our average McDonald's drive-thru happy meal nor a PBJ. This meal consisted of potatoes, rice, spinach, avocado and fresh pineapple. The boys prayed and proceeded to eat everything that was in front of them. They laugh at one another and enjoy each others company. After eating, all plates and utensils were collected and they worked together to clean it all up. 

Here are a few pictures of their new home.

It is always special for me to get a chance to spend some time with
Edith and Derrick's brothers, Eddie and Usher. As much as I would like for all the kids to be together it is very comforting knowing that they are living in an indigenous, loving environment where their God given potential is discovered and developed.

We are still actively seeking monthly sponsorships for this home. Please take a few minutes and click on the attached link.....
Whose hero do you want to be?

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