It is hard to believe we are back on American soil. As I unpacked my suitcase this morning (1:00 a.m. was too late to do it when I got home), my shoes still had the dirt from the roads of Uganda on them and the sight of it almost made me cry. (I wonder if that violated any customs laws?)
How can we return to normal life after what we have seen and experienced? I know it will be easier for those for whom this was a return trip, but for us who saw it all through "Disney-wide eyes", we have so much to process, so much for which to seek the Lord. Some of us have to try to relay it to our spouses - to try to get them to understand the tug on our hearts of the little Ugandan children who have a permanent place there. As we worked together as a team to gather and organize our thoughts, several phrases came to my mind that, for me, will be guiding my process as the Lord deals with me:
When I was ignorant, I was innocent; when I have knowledge, I have responsibility.
So, what next? There is so much need, in so many places. We can become overwhelmed or say it is too much for anyone to really make a difference, or, we can listen to the heart of God and hear what He says to each one of us, adjust our lives, and fall in line in obedience. That is my prayer. That is where I want to find myself. Pray with me for each of our team and for the precious Ugandan children, families, believers and friends we left behind. Our God is so big and so active all over the world. Let's find out where He is working....and join in!
Thank you for following us in love, prayer and thought. Your prayers have been largely responsible for the work we were able to do.
"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." James 1:27
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