We are winding down and nearing the end of our trip and it was time for a few hours of shopping at the craft market in Kampala. After that, we had some American-style pizza in a restaurant in the parking garage! It was good and a nice reminder of home. We headed to the celebration that was scheduled today at the location of the land that was purchased through donations through Ekissa.
Bweya Community Church showed up for the festivities and there was much rejoicing. Over 150 people from the church and community gathered over the course of about an hour....African style. They were dressed in their finest, arranged for tents and chairs to be set up, hooked up the sound system and proceeded to worship. We shared in Lugandan worship songs and traditional African dances and helped them celebrate the excitement of the prospect of having their own church building on their own land one day. We were reminded by one of the speakers that the Church was already present, because it consisted of the people who were present.
It was a privilege to share in their celebration and to have had a part in the coming together of this day. These people are so loving and welcoming and so full of the joy of the Lord. It is a blessing to fellowship with brothers and sisters in Christ across the world and know that we share a bond that transcends nationality and culture. Tomorrow, we will worship with them at their present location at Mercy children's home.
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