Sunday, February 21, 2010

Feb 2010 Trip

Wow! I can’t believe all that God has done since returning from Uganda in October 2009…only 4 months ago. Now, in less than a year, I’m leaving on my 3rd trip to Uganda having been led of the Lord to begin “ekissa”, (which means “mercy” in the language of Luganda) a nonprofit that serves the orphans solely of Uganda, East Africa. You can get more of the background of this ministry at .

This particular trip to Uganda is a pivotal trip in the ministry of ekissa. This is a team of 5 which will travel together for one week. Members of this team are comprised of myself, 2 members of Cornerstone Christian Church and 2 individuals from “Upward”, a Christian sports program that shares the Gospel of Christ to children through the venue of sports. The thought behind “Upwards” involvement is to partner together in order to offer the children of Bweya Village (outside of Kampala Uganda) an opportunity to be introduced the Gospel through establishing an “Upwards” sports program there in the local village of Bweya.

ekissa will be returning in May for the purpose of a church plant in Bweya. Gaba Community Church (GCC), an indigenous church, has agreed to partner with ekissa to begin a holistic approach to ministry in Bweya Village. The new church will be named “Bweya Community Church”. This church plant is paramount to the ministry that God desires for Bweya village.

The new Bweya Community Church will be the hub of all outreach for Bweya. It is ekissa’s desire that Upward’s would partner with us to bring about a sports program to be facilitated through Bweya Community Church.

Please pray for discernment as we travel, that I am able to share with the team, the vision Christ has given me for the village of Bweya. Please pray for safety, stamina and health. Today, two days before travel, I’m dealing with a sinus infection. The enemy wants to divert my attention and he can do that through illness!

“So, put on God’s armor now…you will be able to resist the enemy’s attacks; and…you will still hold your ground.” Ephesians 6:13

My prayer is that God will be fully glorified through everything that takes place regardless of the end results or “partnerships”. My desire is that we can move completely out of the way for all to see Jesus!

Please continue to visit this new blog as we hope to chronicle our trip. Pray for the “world-wide web” or as the Ugandan’s refer to it, “the world-wide wait”, to cooperate. On our last trip we struggled greatly with the use of technology.


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