Wednesday, February 24, 2010


It's not the end of day one but I've got some down time and thought I'd post. We had a slow beginning to our day which has been nice for most as our bodies are trying to adjust to the time change.

At mid-morning we had a roundtable conversation regarding the vision of Bweya Village. Those gathered at the table were Dr. Martin from the Wentz Medical Clinic, Pastor Peter, the Senior Pastor of Gaba Community Church, Les Neely and Scott Beidler with Upward Sports, Michelle Speas and Kathy Brehm of Cornerstone Christian Church, David Sebanna, a "Bridge" student and myself. We had an awesome time of sharing.

One of the main focuses was regarding the purchase of land for the new church plant in Bweya Village. Land has been located and it looks like we need to raise about $35,000 pretty quickly. (All donations humbly accepted!! :-) )

Our meeting ran into the afternoon so our "unannounced" visit to Mercy was put off until tomorrow. We will rise and shine early tomorrow, go purchase food and mosquito nets and then go directly to the orphanage.

If I can be completely honest, I'm a little fearful of what we may find when we arrive. Michelle thinks the place will be empty with the children wandering the village. I anticipate many will be wandering, but I also anticipate a more worse degree of starvation than Sept as well as some in the bed sick...hopefully no deaths. With starvation and malaria the reality here, and with the level of neglect, I pray God will grant me the necessary grace to take in it. This reality is what ekissa is all about...seeking justice for the injustice and sharing the Good News of a Father to the "fatherless".

Following our meeting today, the group took a walking tour of the slums of Ggaba. Hopefully this helps prepare the group for what they'll encounter tomorrow in Bweya.
As we entered the slums we were greeted happily with smiling faces of the children. As expected, they approached us yelling "mzungu! muzungu!" Such big smiles and happy cries to the mzungu! I dare say I would respond like such if I had to endure their way of life. I believe the writer Paul challenges us regarding a state of being "content". Yikes! Were are you measuring???

Well, just wanted to post that all is well. We still have yet to receive any of our luggage! Thank goodness I packed 2 days worth of clothes in my carryon! :-) A word for the May team!!

Chuck, David and Patrick send their greetings! They say they love you and miss you greatly.

Stay tuned and thank you for your prayers! Specifically pray the price of the land can be lowered. The land is key in order for us to move forward with what God has for Bweya. We will see the plot tomorrow. Pray for stamina for the team tomorrow. It will be a busy day as we go to Mercy and see the plot of land, we will also visit Mary Smith at the Primary Boarding school just outside of Bweya. Pray the supplies will arrive with our luggage! At last check, our luggage was in Nairobi!?!??!?!?

We are so blessed as a people. It feels good to be back here!
We love you all!
Sarah (for the gang)


  1. Oh, I wish I was there with you! Praying for your trip!!! Greet the Ggaba team for us! And look forward to hearing how God moves for His glory!!

  2. My heart is there with you! I am so glad to read your updates and see those familiar names. Please tell everyone I said hello and miss them so much! Anxious to hear what you find at Mercy...

  3. Thanks for taking the time to keep us posted, especially the specific prayer requests. Reading about the $$$ needed for the land makes me think of all we've been studying about the "impossible" situations the Israelites faced ... can't wait to see how God works this one out for His glory!

  4. I agree with Amber... look how God has brought us this far in such a short time!! He surely has it all under control!

    I'm praying fervently for you, your protection (Sarah, did you have your mosquito spray in your carry on?), for little distractions, for smooth meetings at Airfield tomorrow, and peace, grace, and a great big Jesus bubble as you go to Mercy. Thanks for keep us posted.

    We're praying for all of you!! We love you! Much love to our Ugandan friends as well!

  5. Amen on all... Lori, the "Jesus bubble" is IT! Kids send their love, Sarah - me too.
