Saturday, February 25, 2012

Day Six (Friday, Feb. 24)

Today was another great day.  God continues to move and we are grateful.  Everyday God continues to unveil blessing after blessing.  Just when I think we've received "the" blessing God intended for the purpose of this trip, He unleashes another one!

Jack spent the day at the home of Bob and Mary Lee Bolitho.  They are American missionaries through IGO (International Gospel Outreach).  Bob teaches at African Bible University and Mary Lee has served as our eyes and ears on the ground as it concerns the children of Bweya and Mercy Orphanage.  Bob and Mary Lee also are guardians of the 2 children Jack (and Kathy) sponsor, so Jack was busy pouring himself into his "kids" today.

Meanwhile, Pastor Robert, Neel, Abby and I visited Bethany Village.  Bethany Village is the children's home run by ARM (Africa Renewal Ministry).  This is a "best practice/best model" compound in Africa. It's a place I enjoy taking teams at the end of our time here in Uganda. I think it's important for individuals to leave realizing that while poverty and orphans are a tremendous reality here in Uganda, there is hope!

So, we took a boat ride across Lake Victoria to Bethany Village.  There we were greeted by Dennis, the overseer of the children's home.  He explained the business model they use as well as the mistakes made along the way.  Dennis shared and I asked LOTS of questions.  I can't get into specifics, but this model will be very important to the village of Bweya in the near future.  We thank God for the pioneers who went before us and who are so willing to share the "fruits of their labor."

Following our meeting, Dennis took our group on a quick tour, which included a visit to their piggery.  There, we learned a lot regarding the construction, care and daily maintenance of a piggery.

At the close of our time at Bethany Village, we then joined Jack at the Bolitho's home.  There we gathered around a table for lunch and fellowship.  We had such a great time.  I think their home must be "the hangout" as we were there and then a couple of seminary students floated in, along with 2 other young boys. It was awesome.

Last night (Thurs night), Pastor Robert showed the Jesus video at Bweya Church to over 100 people.  He is doing the same tonight, so I'm looking forward to catching up with him tomorrow to see how it was received.  

It's getting late, so I will close for now. Please continue to pray for our team.  Tomorrow will be our last full day here in Uganda.  We will attend early worship at Ggaba Community Church and then the regular service at Bweya Community Church.  At the close of worship at Bweya, we will head to the airport.  We also haven't had power in 2 days and would really like a warm shower before heading back to the states.  If you don't hear back from us through another blog entry posting, it will be due to a lack of power to charge the computer.


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