We’ve all bid “See ya next time!”, to our Ugandan family and returned back to the US. Our physical bodies may have returned, but our hearts have not returned the same...
It is always with mixed emotions we write our last blog at the end of our trips. There’s a bit of sadness in leaving, yet excitement in returning to our loved ones we left behind.
There isn’t a time we leave Uganda, that part of ourselves isn’t left somewhere in this
red-earthed land. I’ve heard it said, “We’ll leave something of ourselves behind when we leave a place. We stay there, even though we go away. And there are things in us that we can find again, only by going back. We travel to ourselves, when we go to a place that we have covered the stretch of our life… no matter how brief it may have been.” so while we’ve returned, perhaps feeling more whole, indeed, there is part of us we’ve left behind.
Many travel with ekissa to Uganda, out of a pure state of curiosity. Others go with intent of saving the world. However, for me (Sarah), I went in search; in search for a much larger God than the one whom many attempt to contain in a box. I went in search of His heart beat…the heartbeat contained within those which resonates in mine. Why? It is the realization of my own deficiencies, that I recognize my need of more of Him. Jesus was an advocate for the poor, and He said, (paraphrased) “It is there that you will find me…” He was continually with the poor, the oppressed, the suffering, the orphans, the widows, the downcast, and the hopeless. It is there, I find Him. It is there, I want to be.
We’ve mentioned many times referencing how hard life is here in Uganda. However, the sense of peace, joy, perseverance and sheer determination, displayed by the Ugandan people, continually humbles our heart.
We are a blessed people; not because we deserve it, but because we are to bless others. There is no greater investment, than that of an individual. While we seek to find who we really are…we must lose ourselves in order to find ourselves. It is in serving others that we find Him…and in finding Him, we find ourselves.
Curiosity seeks, faith pursues…
**More pics to be posted**