Tuesday, May 25, 2010

How Can I?

A song written by one of our teammates, Bob, who played the song on his guitar and sang it at the debriefing of our first day.

How can I begin to understand,
What you're doin' with this humble man.
How can I begin to prepare,
For what I'll see, just over there.
I'm ready now, for a change,
My heart knows, it'll never be the same.

How can I share with my little ones,
The things I see, and the things I've done.
How can I, tell those that don't know,
The love and grace You so freely show.
I'm ready now, for my heart to change,
And my heart knows, it'll never be the same.

How can I find words to say,
Maybe just a hug or tear and it'll be okay.
I'm ready now, to move on ahead,
I'm ready now, to do what You said.

I'm ready now, oh-oh
I'm ready now, oh-oh!

(copyrighted 2010 Bob Kennedy)

1 comment:

  1. Bob,
    We are so glad to hear you and the rest of your team mates arrived safely. I am glad you shared that song with them. Paul wants you to sing " There Is A Balm In Gilead" to them also.
    Praying for miracles ( other than the one that placed you all there ) to happen where you so vividly see the need !
